About the ProChil project
Zpět na ProChilThe project involves 7 partners from 6 countries (preschool facilities, NGOs, University and enterprises). Each of the partners has special expertise to the project and together they will create the following outputs:
- IO1: comparative study of early child care in the partner countries
- IO2: curriculum of a course for future nurses
- IO3: worksheets for the course for future nurses based on the Montessori approach
- IO4: one pilot module for web based learning
The comparative study will be disseminated towards policy makers in the partner countries in order to improve the child care systems with regards to best practices in the other European countries.
The educational programme will contain topics given by the Czech National Qualification Framework and two additional topics:
- the Montessori approach
- the special approaches for work with children in the age 1-3 years old
The educational programme including the worksheets will be pilot tested during the project by the partners in their day-to-day activities. After the end of the project the Czech partners will try to get accreditation by the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Czech Republic.
The pilot e-learning module will be a base for future reference and for future development of web-based educational programmes for nurses.